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Welcome to JBIET Library

JB Institute of Engineering and Technology Library promotes a spirit of a continuous learning environment to the students for enriching their knowledge. The library is committed to providing quality service and an excellent collection of materials to support the mission, educational goals and research needs of students, staff, faculty and administration users and in support of the College's diverse curriculum. It encourages and facilitates information competency, critical thinking, intellectual independence, and lifelong learning skills in all students, regardless of their educational goals. Through reference services, instructional materials, educational software, and support for graduate and undergraduate student research, the library strives to develop students a competitive level of information competence.

The college library has the largest collection of Books, Journals, Magazines, Project reports, Tutorials, video lessons and E-Book Consortium in all allied subjects for both academics and research with numerous subjects for professional and special purposes to coordinate resource sharing and maximize the efficacy of our expenditures and our expertise. There are currently over 70,000 volumes,10,000 Titles and 160 journals both National and International available in paper and electronically, as well as numerous e-books. Library also provides borrowing privileges to students and staff for off-campus access.

New Arrivals

Top-Circulating Books

Forging Ahead English Data Base Management Systems Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics Data Structures Using C Mathematical and Statistical Foundations Operating System Concepts CYBER SECURITY Operating System Concepts Forging Ahead Engineering Mathematics-II Web technologies Essential English Grammer DATABASE MANAGEMENT Mathematics for Machine Learning COAL MINING ENERGY MANAGEMENT Python Deep Learning Python 3 Object Oriented Programming PULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS

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